Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Finally Our "1 Min of fame"

After Much anticipation, there is finally a day where:

1) the world is peaceful - no new war, no new disaster
2) the national leaders are resting - the boss is in Langkawi with our neigbour's boss
3) the only other news worthy item is - our neighbour's ex boss is in hosipital

the result of these "unhappenings" is ..... there is finally free air time for our segment is done 4 weeks ago shown. And it was on both CNA and channel 8 as well!

Let hope that this additional publicity would bring the company to yet more unopened doors and opportunities.....

But that;s for another day....Today.....life is good!

the channel news article


Will post up the chinese version as soon as i can

FATALOGY On Self Publicity