The month of jan 2008 was interestingly good.
1) we "unofficially" expanded our office - we took over the neighbor's premise (our opposite neighbor moved so we got a new/old bar fridge too)
2) we "unofficially" expanded out staff strength to 4 (with the inclusion of 2 NUS interns - we decided to call them "project officers")
3) We got our website revamped - check it out (thanks Karen and Samuel)
4) Skipper from Musso volunteered his friend ( 2 highly talented people to help us create a really cool car stickers and Decal as well as t-shirt designs)
5) We would be having our inaugural Alpha BD charity drive to bring some festive cheers to some old folks at Lion's home this sunday.
Well CNY is would be our very first one as a company.... last year was fun...running a startup and all, however things should be hotting up this year and now we are looking to do something that we thought was insurmountable last year, if we get through with this project, we'll really put clean energy into singapore!
I did my first "panelist" thingy at the NLB last sat to a crowd of 200plus talking Alternative energy etc, it was nice to know the among of interest that is growing amongst the youth and the people in the fringe industries of clean energy. I did my best to be "Chief Entertainment Officer" and distribute about a box of name card....that 32 bucks!
the only thing i am not looking forward to is that of saying goodbye to a couple of very dear friend leaving for US for good (well at least 2-3 years). Planning to make a gastronomical impression on them before their departure ... possibly after thier CNY fatigue.
Happy New Year to one and all...